Thursday, October 14, 2010

Desire for Complete Devotion

A dear friend of mine posed this question to me: Is it not easier to die for someone than to live for that very same thing?

Wow. Absolutely. It absolutely is more difficult to consistently devote your life to a single thing to make the sporadic decision to die for it.

Is it bad that I find it hard to live for Christ in all life's entirety, but find it so simple to say I would die for Christ?
Devoting one's life to Another. It's a sacrifice. It's a daily decision. It's true love and true faith. Lord, I pray you help me give up myself, give up the control I have over myself, give up my passions and replace them with a seeking to understand who You are.
I wonder whether Christians really have a grasp on all that You are. I don't think we know as much as we lead on. We have no idea how many dimensions You have and how many facets of Your Being we have yet to discover.
Lord, You are amazing. You give us chances we don't deserve the slightest bit. You love us. Why? Why do You love us when we have difficulty reciprocating that love you so lovingly pour onto us?
We get lost in the world; the temptations draw us near-peel us further from You. Yet You stay true to us-You pluck us back and place us in Your comforting nest. God-Thank you for not giving up on us-on me. Although I struggle on a daily basis to focus my life and my thoughts on You, You forgive me and show me Your tender loving-kindness. How much I don't deserve but receive Lord.

**Lastly, as a side note, thank you for answering my prayer today. Thank you for giving me essay question #3 on my AP Psychology Test. :)
Aid Me in Devoting My Life To You.

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