Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Support Your Brethren and Share Their Burdens

Today was a whirlwind of emotions. It started off depressive, stayed depressive-with a few glimmers of hope provided by my friends' love and support- moved along into a confused state of being with an endless amount of hovering, unanswerable questions, and lastly-as of right now-a feeling of acceptance and forgiveness.
*I would love to thank my friends for standing by me even though I was not able tell them the reason for my sorrow. Thank you my lovely friends for accepting my secrecy and just supporting me throughout the day. I love you all. :)
If I were to go more in depth about my emotions and thought processes throughout the day, I would reveal to you the very secret in which I am choosing to withhold from you as my reader. Reason being: I was asked to do so. In order to avoid breaking this promise, look at these couple of verses that really helped me throughout my struggle today.

"Brothers, if anyone is caught in any transgression, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Keep watch on yourself, lest you too be tempted. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ."
-Galatians 6:1-3

These verses gave me wisdom in my predicament. They revealed to me the way in which I should approach the situation. Gently. With understanding and support. Although the thoughts within my brain remained chaotic, I knew that I could not react rashly. But rather with an open heart pouring out love for my fellow brethren. And that's what happened.

Lord, I pray for further guidance. Help me understand what you wish for me. I have no concept of what I want for myself. And if I do somehow know, I don't full-heartedly believe it. 
Concrete my beliefs.

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