Saturday, October 9, 2010

Through the Hardships...

Trials. They come; they go. Throughout it all, we (as sinners) change. We do not change ourselves, but the Lord within us starts hacking away at our old selves. He chips away at the hardened hearts and makes our souls joyful. He plucks the logs from our eyes and places a need for repentance in our beings when we've wandered too far. In essence, He's there for us. His hand is always cradling our impressionable and sinful selves. Never doubt that. And this, this is an exception for saying "never." Never say "never" unless it deals with the capabilities of God and his compassion for his children. The Lord will never let you fall too far. He will never tell you it's too late to repent. He will never allow you to be tested beyond your limits. He'll never allow you to think you are not loved.

          Today, I took my SAT-bright (actually quite dark) and early in the morning. The SAT started off relatively poor *in my opinion* and I was feeling substantially dumb. Through this stressful period of time-when I couldn't focus on what I was silently reading and I couldn't figure out certain mathematical questions- I prayed. I asked for God to give me the wisdom that I needed to make it through the rest of the test. And I feel as though that prayer was answered. Yes, I struggled. I didn't get every answer to every question. I skipped some, but when I went back to them when I had the time, I realized what the question was asking or what was needed to be done.

I credit the Lord for those realizations and sporadic bursts of intelligence. Thanks Pops :)

I Must Rely on You Lord & You Alone. 

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